Ruth Wilson Apps

BQQuote16 1.4.0
Ruth Wilson
BQQuote 2016 is an app for the UPCI BibleQuizzing Program to help individuals keep track of their quotesessions and mastery of their quiz material. The scripturesincluded are for the 2016 quiz season covering selected verses fromJames, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, and Romans. Use this app to dailyquote your quizzers, and to do verse beginning drills with yourquizzers to improve referencing skills. Currently there are twotypes of drills in the app: drills to quote entire verses, anddrills to practice referencing using unique verse beginnings. Viewsummaries of quizzer progress, and create new quote sessions andverse beginning drills based on verses missed.When you start a verse quote session, a verse reference and thefull verse will be displayed. Call out the verse reference. The 30second timer automatically begins, padded with two seconds to giveyou time to call out the reference. When the quizzer starts quotingthe verse, click the Started Quoting button. If the quizzer missesor can't think of the verse beginning, click the Missed Beginningbutton. Listen as the quizzer quotes the verse. If the quizzermisquotes the verse, click the Missed Quote button. Finally, afterindicating whether the quizzer missed the verse or not, click theFinished button. The app will automatically advance to the nextverse, and the quote process is repeated. At any time you can clickthe Pause button to pause the timer (in case you want to take ashort break) or click the Save/Exit button, which will save yourcurrent position in the quote session and take you back to thequizzer's main screen.When you create a verse beginning drill, the number of secondsthat you choose for time allowed is very important. A quizzer thatreally references well should be able to start a verse in less than5 seconds. If a quizzer cannot start a verse in less than 15seconds then they need to drill their verse beginnings more so thattheir referencing improves. When you start a verse beginning drill,the verse reference and the unique verse beginning for that versewill be displayed. You can call out either the verse reference orthe verse beginning, depending on how you want to drill thequizzer. The timer automatically starts, and is not padded to allowyou to call out the reference so keep this in mind when setting upthe drill. The quizzer will be given the time allotted to try tothink of the verse beginning. As soon as the quizzer responds,click the Next button if correct or the Miss button if missed. Theapp will advance to the next verse and the drill process isrepeated. If a quizzer fails to respond within the allotted time,the app marks it as a miss and advances to the next verseautomatically. To pause a verse beginning drill, click the pausebutton. Clicking the back button will also pause the drill andreturn you to the quizzer's main screen.
BQLearn16 2.2.0
Ruth Wilson
BQLearn 2016 is an app for the UPCI BibleQuizzing Program to help individuals memorize scriptures quickly.The scriptures included are for the 2016 quiz season coveringselected verses from James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, and Romans.Select a verse within the app to memorize. The entire verse willbe initially displayed. Read the verse then click the > buttonto advance to the next step, which will display the verse with afew letters removed. Read the verse again, and you will notice thatyou are able to successfully recall/read the verse even though someletters are missing. Your brain is familiar enough with the verseto fill in the missing parts successfully. Each time the >button is clicked, more letters will be removed from the verseuntil eventually all you will see is a blank screen. At each step,try to quote the verse to yourself. If you need to make sure youare recalling the verse correctly, you may click the Toggle buttonwhich will display the entire verse again. By the time you advanceto the blank screen you should be able to quote the entire versefrom memory.The study verse screen also includes buttons to show quizzersthe unique verse beginning, unique verse ending, 1x words, 2xwords, and 3x words for the verse being studied. For 2x and 3xwords, the references to other verses contain those words are alsodisplayed, and the quizzer can toggle between those verses to seethe context of all of the 2x and 3x words. If this verse containsthe last occurrence of a 2x or 3x word, the 2x or 3x button appearsgreen notifying the quizzer that it is a last occurrence.Traditionally, Bible Quizzers have memorized verses by studyinga flashcard, flipping it over to hide the verse, then flipping itback over again to make sure the verse was recalled correctly. Thistechnique of showing and hiding the verse in its entirety is nowreplaced with a new technique of gradually removing parts untilverse recall is achieved with no visual clues. This newmemorization technique is faster and more effective thantraditional flash card study.Quizzers are also able to practice verse beginnings, verseendings, unique words, 2x words, and 3x words. By practicing versebeginnings, a quizzer's referencing skills will improve. Thequizzer will be shown a verse beginning and will have to think ofthe reference, or will be shown a reference and will have to thinkof the verse beginning. For unique word, 2x word, and 3x wordpractice, the quizzer will be shown a unique, 2x, or 3x word andwill have to think of the reference(s) for the verse(s) containingthat information. Additionally, quizzers can practice missed versebeginnings from BQQuote sessions. A timer can be set for thesepractice drills, encouraging quizzers to speed up their recall.Also, a summary of correct and missed items is available throughouteach practice drill by clicking the statistics button.
BQLookup16 1.2.0
Ruth Wilson
BQLookup 2016 is a verse lookup app for theUPCI Bible Quizzing program. Material lookup can be done for allquiz divisions, and can be narrowed to a subset of verses for agiven tournament. The scriptures included are for the 2016 quizseason covering selected verses from James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1John, and Romans. Material can be searched by verse or key words.Supports quotation completion and cross reference lookup.
BQScore16 1.5.0
Ruth Wilson
BQScore16 is an app recommended for 7" orlarger screens for the UPCI Bible Quizzing Program to helpindividuals keep score during a quiz. The scriptures included arefor the 2016 quiz season covering selected verses from James, 1Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, and Romans. This app is based on theWindows-platform BQTournament software, and a working knowledge ofthat software is highly recommended. Also, understanding of therules and procedures of UPCI Bible Quizzing is assumed.Scorekeeping with the app can handle everything that can happenin a quiz (timeouts, contests, fouls, overtime, etc). Calculationsare automatic, eliminating virtually all calculation errors duringscore keeping. The difference between scores and the remainingpoints in the quiz are clearly displayed on the scoresheet. When aquizzer quizzes or errors out or are about to quiz or error out,his or her summary box at the bottom changes color to alertindividuals to these events. Also, coaching hints are providedthroughout the quiz, giving status updates and letting individualsknow the quiz lock status (the moment at which a team has accruedenough points that the other team cannot overcome the pointdifference to win).In addition to keeping score, this app also allows individualsto lookup verses, words, and phrases so that as a question is beingread an individual can quickly display the quiz material relevantto that question.When a quiz is over the winning team score is highlighted ingreen, highest scoring individual scores are highlighted in blue,and second highest individual scores are highlighted in red.Scoresheets are automatically saved for future reference, but maybe permanently deleted if desired.
BQMatch16 1.6.0
Ruth Wilson
BQMatch 2016 is a Bible quiz matching gameforthe UPCI Bible Quizzing program. The scriptures included areforthe 2016 quiz season covering selected verses from James, 1Peter,2 Peter, 1 John, and Romans. To begin, the quizzer selectsthe quizdivision (Beginner, Junior, Int Sr, or Exp Sr) and therange ofverses to use, as well as the number of matches topractice. Inaddition, the quizzer selects whether to match theverse referenceto the whole verse or just to the unique versebeginning. The gametimes the quizzer on how quickly each match ismade, as well askeeps track of how many matches are missed. Thegame also maintainsa list of the most recent game results.
BQBubble16 1.3.0
Ruth Wilson
BQBubble 2016 is a Bible quiz bubblepoppinggame for the UPCI Bible Quizzing program. The scripturesincludedare for the 2016 quiz season covering selected verses fromJames, 1Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, and Romans. To begin, the quizzerselectsthe quiz division (Beginner, Junior, Int Sr, or Exp Sr) andtherange of verses to use, as well as the number of versestopractice. In addition, the quizzer selects whether to matchtheverse reference to the whole verse, just to the uniqueversebeginning, or just to a unique word. The game times howquickly aquizzer is able to pop the reference bubble that matchesthe verse,verse beginning, or unique word given. It also keepstrack of howmany references are missed. The game maintains a listof the mostrecent game results.
BQBubble17 1.4.0
Ruth Wilson
BQBubble 2017 is a Bible quiz bubblepoppinggame for the UPCI Bible Quizzing program. The scripturesincludedare for the 2017 quiz season covering selected verses fromActs. Tobegin, the quizzer selects the quiz division (Beginner,Junior, IntSr, or Exp Sr) and the range of verses to use, as wellas thenumber of verses to practice. In addition, the quizzerselectswhether to match the verse reference to the whole verse,just tothe unique verse beginning, or just to a unique word. Thegametimes how quickly a quizzer is able to pop the referencebubblethat matches the verse, verse beginning, or unique wordgiven. Italso keeps track of how many references are missed. Thegamemaintains a list of the most recent game results.
BQMatch17 1.7.0
Ruth Wilson
BQMatch 2017 is a Bible quiz matching gameforthe UPCI Bible Quizzing program. The scriptures included areforthe 2017 quiz season covering selected verses from Acts. Tobegin,the quizzer selects the quiz division (Beginner, Junior, IntSr, orExp Sr) and the range of verses to use, as well as the numberofmatches to practice. In addition, the quizzer selects whethertomatch the verse reference to the whole verse or just to theuniqueverse beginning. The game times the quizzer on how quicklyeachmatch is made, as well as keeps track of how many matchesaremissed. The game also maintains a list of the most recentgameresults.
Ruth Wilson
BQScore is an app for UPCI Bible Quiz to help keep score during aquiz.
BQLearn20 2.9.0
Ruth Wilson
BQLearn20 is an app for the UPCI Bible Quizzing Program tohelpindividuals memorize scriptures quickly. The scripturesincludedare from the Psalms of David for the 2020 Quiz Season.Select averse within the app to memorize. The entire verse willbeinitially displayed. Read the verse then click the > buttontoadvance to the next step, which will display the verse with afewletters removed. Read the verse again, and you will notice thatyouare able to successfully recall/read the verse even thoughsomeletters are missing. Your brain is familiar enough with theverseto fill in the missing parts successfully. Each time the>button is clicked, more letters will be removed from theverseuntil eventually all you will see is a blank screen. At eachstep,try to quote the verse to yourself. If you need to make sureyouare recalling the verse correctly, you may click the Togglebuttonwhich will display the entire verse again. By the time youadvanceto the blank screen you should be able to quote the entireversefrom memory. The audio record capability allows quizzers torecordthemselves quoting a verse and then check themselves forcorrectionby listening to the recorded verse. The study versescreen alsoincludes buttons to show quizzers the unique versebeginning,unique verse ending, 1x words, 2x words, and 3x words forthe versebeing studied. For 2x and 3x words, the references toother versescontain those words are also displayed, and the quizzercan togglebetween those verses to see the context of all of the 2xand 3xwords. If this verse contains the last occurrence of a 2x or3xword, the 2x or 3x button appears green notifying the quizzerthatit is a last occurrence. Traditionally, Bible Quizzershavememorized verses by studying a flashcard, flipping it over tohidethe verse, then flipping it back over again to make sure theversewas recalled correctly. This technique of showing and hidingtheverse in its entirety is now replaced with a new techniqueofgradually removing parts until verse recall is achieved withnovisual clues. This new memorization technique is faster andmoreeffective than traditional flash card study. Quizzers are alsoableto practice verse beginnings, verse endings, unique words,2xwords, and 3x words. By practicing verse beginnings, aquizzer'sreferencing skills will improve. The quizzer will be showna versebeginning and will have to think of the reference, or willbe showna reference and will have to think of the verse beginning.Forunique word, 2x word, and 3x word practice, the quizzer willbeshown a unique, 2x, or 3x word and will have to think ofthereference(s) for the verse(s) containing thatinformation.Additionally, quizzers can practice missed versebeginnings fromBQQuote sessions. A timer can be set for thesepractice drills,encouraging quizzers to speed up their recall.Also, a summary ofcorrect and missed items is available throughouteach practicedrill by clicking the statistics button. The app alsoincludes a“List All Verses” selection that will list all verseswithin agiven range. Within the listing the unique versebeginnings, verseendings, 1x words, 2x words, and 3x words can behighlighted.Clicking on a 2x or 3x word will display itsreferences.
Ruth Wilson
BQLookup is a verse lookup app for the UPCI Bible Quizzing program.Material lookup can be done for all quiz divisions, and can benarrowed to a subset of verses for a given tournament. Thescriptures included are for the 2021 quiz season covering versesfrom the Book of Mark. Material can be searched by verse or keywords. Supports quotation completion and cross reference lookup.